Stock Price Estimates for AAPL, MSFT, GOOG, AMZN, BRK.B, TSLA, FB, and More!
Ratio analysis with Price-to-Earnings, Price-to-Sales, and Price-to-Book
With the S&P 500 closing right on the edge of a bear market, we can take a look at some stock prices that are implied by ratio analysis:
In general, the analysis in this table is really simple - these are the prices that would put each ratio into the 50th percentile of observations over the last 30+ years for a large sample of high quality stocks.
For the most part, a lot of these ratios suggest that these stocks should have a lower price. It’s a simple approach but could be useful if one is thinking about setting limit buy levels and looking for a price to consider as a benchmark.
Even if one isn’t trading or investing, it still makes for a fascinating analysis that suggests the market still has room to fall as there aren’t widespread no-brainer value picks. At least, not yet.