Thanks for joining me at the launch of my newsletter “Endless Metrics.” I’ve always thought it was fun to start something new on January first (well, at least before all the good-intention resolutions spectacularly flame out and it’s back to poor habits and chronic snacking).
To me, Endless Metrics is one of those ideas that has been a long time coming. For many years, I’ve been a big consumer of financial news and commentary, learning a lot along the way. There are so many great writers in the field but also so much information out there that, in my opinion, the opportunity for analysis and investigation continues to exceed currently available coverage. As I’ve become more experienced, I’ve found myself digging more into what I read, doing further analysis and searching for deeper insights. I can’t say I’ve always found something valuable but, when I have, I’ve always wished I had a better platform to share beyond annoying friends with random conversations on esoteric finance or economic concepts. So, in an effort to save those around me from myself, I thought newsletter might be a good alternative!
My goal is to make the articles on Endless Metrics accessible and enjoyable to read. For accessibility, I’ll try to describe and support topics so that people with minimal background can understand them. If I forget to include some basic blocks that are helpful for understanding, just drop me a note or email and I’ll be happy to cover that further in a subsequent article.
For enjoyability, since I already read through a lot of stiff and stuffy industry writing, I plan to write more off the cuff and have fun explaining things. I mean, I could very seriously explain the serious nature of my serious writing and serious credentials to support my serious thoughts but, to me, that all feels a little too...serious?
While I have a bunch of ideas on where to take Endless Metrics, I think collaboration makes things like this even better. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions, share knowledge, and offer your own opinions along the way.
Oh, and if you are still wondering what exactly Endless Metrics is or where it’s going, don’t worry, I don’t really know either. Sometimes, it’s more enjoyable to just dive right in with some big thing and not worry so much about the long-term plan, implications, or viability for success. I mean, after all, isn’t that what resolutions are all about?
Thanks again - and Happy New Year!