September is my favorite month. That’s because, to me, Fall always feels like the start of something new.
In a few weeks, I’ll write my 1000th consecutive daily post. It’s pretty crazy to think about. When I started writing, all I had in mind was the idea of publishing something each day. I didn’t have any idea how long I would do it for.
Turns out, writing this much, for this long, with no breaks, is pretty tiring!
The funny part is, I never even felt like it was at all exhausting until earlier this year. And, that’s when I first got the feeling that I may not be able to write every single day forever.
Still, after having invested so much into my writing, I wanted to take some time to consider what to do. Well, that was several months ago and the feeling is the same - I’m ready to move on to the next thing.
I don’t, at the moment, know what that is. It may not even be writing this newsletter any more! But, it definitely won’t entail an every day post with no breaks.
So, I’ll keep writing each day until I hit that sweet one thousand and then, well, who knows!
What I will say is that, it’s not the end of anything. Just a change in strategy. One that I feel will allow me to allocate my time and effort to even more valuable things. After all, writing for a thousand days in a row, you kind of run out of stuff to say - even I’m tired of me!
At the end of the day, I always wrote this newsletter for myself and things I wanted to do more research on. I don’t market. I don’t sell anything. I don’t really have an aim except to educate myself. And, I’m really proud of that. I’ve got a lot to look back on that feels really fulfilling.
In terms of what all this change means for this publication going forward, I really don’t know at this point! Maybe once I knock out that thousandth post I’ll have a little time to reflect and think about that.
What I do know, though, is that all of this is really just the beginning, the start of something new : )
Happy Anniversary also!
well done luke! Take a break - you've earned it!