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About Me
I am banking professional with over seven years of consulting and industry work. I started Endless Metrics so I could post analysis and thoughts on topics that of are of interest outside of my regular work to share with friends and peers.
I am always happy to connect with readers on topics related to the site or otherwise. Please reach out to the contact email below if you wish to get in touch.
For any questions, comments, or inquiries related to Endless Metrics or any other related topics please reach out to: contact@endlessmetrics.com
Endless Metrics produces content that is for informational purposes only. This information should not be acted upon without obtaining professional advice. Any use of data or analysis from Endless Metrics is done so at the sole discretion of the end user.
The publications contained within Endless Metrics are for general guidance and do not constitute professional advice. Endless Metrics does not accept or assume any liability or responsibility for any consequences should you or anyone else act, or refrain from acting, in reliance of information contained in this website or any decision based on it. No guarantee, explicit or implicit, has been made as to the accuracy or completeness of this website's contents.
All content represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of my current, or any previous, employer.